Meditation Articles Series

Becoming Conscious

Meditation is an unfolding process in becoming more conscious.  Conscious means that a person can remain aware and remain centred without becoming overwhelmed to the triggers from the past that have created discord within oneself.  Certainly in a meditation practice consciousness will grow in spirals.  There will be times of deep inner stillness, followed by times of old wounds and issues from childhood, family problems and unresolved relationships coming to the surface.  People may get discouraged at this point and feel that meditation is not working for them.  They want their sitting practice to be filled with bliss.  Memories and feelings in our bodies will surface during meditation and they need to be welcomed, not denied nor pushed away.  Meditation can be a means of hiding from our feelings and emotions.  We can use a meditation technique to become focused and concentrated and block out all feelings and emotions.  We can become “skilful” meditators but so distanced from what we are feeling that we block the flow of life that enables us to fully experience the joy of being in our bodies, here and now.  Accept and allow whatever comes to the surface during meditation.  If a feeling is continuously overwhelming, you may find you become destabilized throughout your practice.  Then it may be timely for you to seek some professional guidance, whether a spiritual counsellor or someone else who may guide you through your emotional turmoil.

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