Meditation Articles Series

Inward Calm

A Chinese man called Li Ching Yuen, is reputed to have lived to 256 years old.  Whether this is true or not, you can find a lot of discussion about this venerated gentleman on the Internet.  He may well have been very old indeed. 

In an interview in the 1920’s he said, “I think the reason I have lived this long and am still perpetually healthy is because nothing has irritated me since I was forty years old.  Because of that my heart is very calm, peaceful and divinely tranquil.  That is why I am free from any illness, and always healthy and happy.”

The records show he ate simple foods, and lived in the same village all his life.  He died in the 1930’s so the pace of life, and its stresses would not have been so evident back then.  He was an herbalist and probably very in tune with plants and nature for health and well-being. 

Reading about someone like Li Ching Yuen, I was inspired with his message of divine tranquillity.  The tranquillity that can arise in meditation can also seamlessly move into everyday living when our interior landscape is experienced and observed.

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