Meditation Articles Series

Painkillers are Killing People. Can Meditation Help?

Addiction to prescription painkillers is becoming a serious problem in America.  I read this recently on the Dr Mercola health website.  Apparently overdose deaths have more than tripled from 1999 to 2006, to 13,800 deaths per year.  These opioid painkillers are opium like drugs that include morphine and codeine.

More and more scientific studies are being undertaken to measure the physiological effects that meditation has on health, and well-being, including tolerance to pain.  There’s enough evidence now to show that people who meditate consistently release chemicals in the brain that work similarly to opiates found in drugs like morphine and codeine.

Before you become dependent on prescription painkillers check out other alternatives to supporting your condition including taking up a meditation practice.  Fragrant Heart can help you in many ways to do this.  I also thoroughly recommend the Dr Mercola website for up to date cutting edge information on all aspects of health.

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