Guided Visualization for a Relationship Breakup


Just about everyone has experienced the loss of an intimate relationship and the heartbreak that follows.   
You can use this visualization at any time to help heal an aching heart.
If you are reading this right now and have experienced the loss of your loved one, be gentle and kind to yourself as you grieve for the person no longer being in your life.  Nurture yourself every day in ways that make you feel good.  Get help and support from your friends and family when you are feeling down.  Know that in time you will feel differently, but in the meantime, accept and allow your feelings of loss and loneliness as they arise. 


Read the Preparation and Posture Guide before you begin.


Click the play button next to the meditation to listen. Total listening time: 13:38.

Guided Visualization for a Relationship Breakup
also available without background music:

© Fragrant Heart 2007-2025. All rights reserved. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
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