Peace, Love and Compassion Meditation

Meditation helps to deepen our compassion, and loving kindness to others, and ourselves. This guided meditation deepens the aspirations of peace, love and compassion and unfolds in expanding consciousness. In this meditation you become more and more aware of your whole global family, sending loving kindness throughout the world.

When we experience inner peace, we can extend ourselves to others more readily. Serving humanity helps to uplift, and alleviate pain, and unhappiness. You may feel helpless when you witness so much suffering in the world. It is impossible to help everyone. However, you can start in small ways. Ask yourself, "Whom may I help today?" Let the planting of that seed flourish as you go about your daily life practising random acts of kindness. It doesn't matter how small you consider that act of kindness to be. If you are doing it with intention, coming from a place of love within yourself, that is all that matters. Carl Jung, the famous psychologist, was once asked how to avert the global catastrophes of war and greed. His answer was simple, "Cultivate inner peace."

Read the Preparation and Posture Guide before you begin.

Click the play button next to the meditation to listen. Total listening time: 14:23.

Peace, Love and Compassion Meditation
also available without background music:

© Fragrant Heart 2007-2025. All rights reserved. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
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