Guided Meditation for Studying

Because of the way this guided meditation is sequenced you can refer to it again and again. You can learn to relax, concentrate, and visualize your way to study success in a very short time. You can take this guided meditation with you wherever you go. You can use it throughout your life not only in study but any situation that requires your attention.


Read the Preparation and Posture Guide before you begin.


Click the play button next to the meditation to listen. Total listening time: 10:39.

Guided Meditation for Studying
also available without background music:

Written Version

In your preferred meditation posture, make sure you are holding your back straight but not rigid.  Take your attention to your back, your neck and your shoulders…to help to relax this area of your body begin now by slowly raising your shoulders up to your ears, and then hold and hold and hold and squeeze your shoulder and neck muscles as much as you can… and then slowly, slowly release the tension dropping your shoulders back down until they are level again.  And again being aware of your back, neck and shoulders raise your shoulders as though to touch your ears and hold, hold, hold, feeling tightness and tension in your neck and back as you do this, and then slowly with awareness relax your shoulders again… and do this one more time slowly hunching up your shoulders, holding, tightening and tensing, and then releasing your shoulders letting them relax downwards again, let your shoulders softly slope downwards and just be aware of any changes in your shoulders, your neck and your back …you may notice sensations such as tingling or other subtle vibrations that come from the release of tension and tightness in your muscles. 

Still with your eyes open look straight ahead and let your gaze be soft… keeping your head still move your eyes as though to look up at the ceiling, now move your eyes as though to look down at the floor, next move your eyes to look up to the right, then down to the left, up to the left and then down to the right, and repeat again, looking up to the ceiling, down to the floor, look up to the right, down to the left, up to the left and down to the right…you may notice that you have been moving your eyes in a star shape pattern… allow your gaze to be soft once more and notice any changes in your eyes and the muscles around your eyes…

Gently close your eyes, and let your eyes remain soft behind closed lids… Take your attention now to your nostrils and be aware of the breath as you breathe in, and the breath as you breathe out…breathing to your own rhythm be totally focused on the breath, concentrating on each inhalation and each exhalation…letting the breath come and go as it will…watching the breath…being aware of the breath…and now for one minute without my voice stay entirely focused on watching the breath…

And now still with your eyes closed and in a place of quietness and stillness allow your inner gaze and memory to take you back to some time in your life when you were focused and energized…you may recall a time in your childhood when you were completely absorbed in something, or it may be at some other time…recreate as much as you can the feel good feelings in your body now…let your body be flooded with those enhancing feelings…with those feelings recreated in your body now visualize yourself studying focused, absorbed and energized and excited about what you are studying.  Imagine yourself in your place of study concentrated and focused on what you are learning with those feel good feelings that will keep on enhancing your studies every time you need to be focused and concentrated.

Become aware of the breath once more…take a deep and clearing breath and slowly open your eyes, knowing that you can come back to this practice anytime you wish to relax, to concentrate, and to reconnect to motivating yourself by visualizing the intended outcome of your goals.

© Elisabeth Blaikie 2010. For personal use only. Please feel free to use this with your family and friends or within your own meditation group. Re-publishing is not permitted without written consent.

© Fragrant Heart 2007-2025. All rights reserved. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
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