Walking Meditation - Outdoors

Kick off your shoes and find a place in nature you love, where you can walk undisturbed. With the earth beneath you and the sky above you, deepen into this outdoor walking meditation.

The Outdoors Walking Meditation guides you in breath and body awareness. It gives you the opportunity to experience what it is like to walk with soft gaze focusing upwards towards the sky. This can help to melt away any stress or anxiety you may be feeling. But most of all, a walking meditation can deepen your daily practice.

Read the Preparation and Posture Guide before you begin.

Click the play button next to the meditation to listen. Total listening time: 15:34.

Walking Meditation - Outdoors

Error loading: "/audio/spiritual-awareness/walking-meditation-outdoors.mp3"
also available without background music:

Error loading: "/audio/spiritual-awareness/walking-meditation-outdoors-nomusic.mp3"

© Fragrant Heart 2007-2025. All rights reserved. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
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