Free Audio Meditation Course

"Learn How to Meditate in 5 Days"

Taking the mystery out of meditation

This course, spread over 5 days, teaches you the technique that I have personally found to be the most effective way to meditate on a regular basis.

With clear, easy-to-follow voice instructions, "Learn How to Meditate in 5 Days" gently eases you into a meditation practice. Anyone who has the intention to meditate can do it. If you've never meditated before then this is for you. If you've tried to meditate and given up then commit to this course where you will be supported and guided over 5 days.

Course structure

This course teaches you the basic skills in short time blocks. Day 1 begins with 2 minutes of practice and each day the practice time increases so that by Day 5 you will be meditating for 10 minutes. Instructions are given for each session and as the meditation time increases there will be longer pauses for you to practise without any voice guidance. In time as you gain confidence and experience, I encourage you to let go of the voice instructions altogether.

The links below let you access all five days at once. Each day builds on the day before, so choose whichever level currently suits you best.

This course was designed with clear and simple instructions, to enable anyone beginning a meditation practice to follow along easily. Over the five days you will be meditating for just a few minutes each day.

Secret of success

Once you have mastered the basic skills then all you have to do is practice. That is the secret of meditation; regular and consistent practice. With practice over time you will experience the benefits that meditation offers. Benefits of Meditation article

To meditate all you have to do is to accept and allow what is. Therefore you can never make a "mistake". Whatever is happening is what is happening. When you can do this without judgment or condemnation you will experience a sense of freedom and lightness in your life. Meditation teaches you to do this.

Five Week Mindfulness Meditation Course

The Learn to Meditate Course from Fragrant Heart flows seamlessly into the free "Five Week Mindfulness Meditation and Loving Kindness Course" offered to you by my daughter Anna Zieo, through her mediation website Quiet Lotus.

Here you can deepen, extend and enrich your practice over five weeks, meditating for around 20-30 minutes per day. This course will help you to establish a strong foundation in mindfulness meditation.

Access the course here:

© Fragrant Heart 2007-2025. All rights reserved. Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Please read our Terms and Conditions carefully before attempting these meditations. Privacy Policy